VOA: Women Key in New York’s Effort to be Next American Tech Powerhouse
In a recent VOA story, our Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York (WiTNY) initiative, a partnership with CUNY, was featured for the role it is playing in encouraging young women to pursue careers in technology.
In the middle of the East River, on Roosevelt Island, one of the keys to the city’s tech future is being built: Cornell Tech. When it’s complete, it will house 2,000 graduate students and hundreds of faculty and staff as well as an ecosystem of companies, researchers and entrepreneurs.
Cornell Tech has also partnered with the City University of New York (CUNY) and other tech leaders to launch Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York (WiTNY) to prepare young women for careers in technology and help fill the gender gap in America’s tech fields.
Read the full article on VOA.