Weekly Testing
What to expect
- Testing is on a walk in basis, no pre-registration is required.
- Bring Cornell Tech or other photo ID and plan 15 to 20 minutes to complete your test.
- Follow the steps outlined in this video. A Cornell Tech staff member will be present to provide instructions and supervise your self collection.
- Post-register immediately following testing with the unique barcode (CTXXXXX) found on the test tube provided at testing in order to access your results and aid with contact tracing efforts. This process must be followed every week. It is recommended that you bring your cell phone to testing so that you can easily capture (via text or photo) the unique barcode on your test tube.
- Continue your normal activities (with strict adherence to mask-wearing and social distancing as required).
- You will only be contacted if evidence of COVID-19 is detected from your sample, in which case the Department of Health will contact you. Please be sure to answer calls, even if the caller is not listed in your contacts; as it may be the health department calling with important information.
- If you require isolation, please contact Cornell Tech Student Wellness at studentwellness@tech.cornell.edu.
Access test results online
Thanks to our new enhanced registration process, you can now access your test results online 24-48 hours after your test arrives in the lab by going to the Cayuga Medical Patient Portal and following the instructions below:
If you already have a Patient Portal Login:
- Sign in with your portal account (please be sure it includes the same e-mail and phone number that you used when you registered your test earlier this week)
- Click on Health Record and then Results
If you do not have a Patient Portal Login:
- Click on the Sign Up link and fill in the enrollment information (please be sure to use the same e-mail and phone number that you used when you registered your test earlier this week)
- Receive an immediate email confirmation and create your login/password
- Click on Health Record and then Results
If you need assistance with your patient portal account, email mycayugahealthsupport@cayugamed.org or call 607-319-5708.
Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate is the test?
No medical test is 100% accurate, and tests for COVID-19 are no exception. Nevertheless, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests have played a critical role in responding to the pandemic and, where used aggressively, have helped to minimize spread. Among the widely used sample sources for PCR testing, most studies have shown nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs to be most sensitive (i.e., fewer false negative results), with sensitivity estimates during the relevant part of an infection’s time course ranging from 70 to 90%.
Where can I get a diagnostic test outside of the campus surveillance program?
For students in NYC looking to obtain a diagnostic COVID-19 test, you can find a free testing site near you here. Students have also had success with the following same or next-day testing options (please note that there may be fees associated with these tests so you should check ahead):
For additional locations in the United States, use this tool to search by your zip code.
For more information contact studentwellness@tech.cornell.edu.
Should I participate in surveillance testing if I am in quarantine?
No, if you are quarantining due to exposure to a positive COVID-19 case, please do not participate in surveillance testing or come to campus.
Please email covid19@tech.cornell.edu for further instructions.
What if I test positive for COVID-19?
Whether or not you live in The House, you will be provided with instructions on how to isolate and how to obtain medical assistance, should you seek it. You are expected to cooperate with all Cornell Tech and NYC Department of Health guidelines.
If you are living in The House we will work with you and your apartment mates, as appropriate, to support your isolation. Regardless of isolation location, you will be able to purchase food to be delivered to you and will have access to virtual supportive resources throughout the extent of your isolation period.
Please email COVID19@tech.cornell.edu and alert them of your result.